
This resource is designed to help people think through the experience of being an LGB person in our churches. To many LGB people, churches don’t feel safe and some of our LGB community have experienced harm in our churches. Our LGB siblings long to be accepted as part of the family.


What about T+?

‘Trans and Non-Binary colleagues have led the design of further Trans and Non-Binary specific Creating Sanctuary resources, recognising that both the experiences and the needs of Transgender and Non-Binary siblings are often different. These resources will be completed by September 2021.

We draw your attention to the first of these new releases, Trans Safeguarding in Practice, which is explicitly designed to respond to the questions from many churches about how Transgender siblings can best be safeguarded in church environments.

Please sign up for our update system to be kept up-to-date with our new releases.’


Diversity and difference are inescapable and joyful aspects of the Body of Christ. This resource recognises those differences and does not ask participants to change their minds on same sex relationships or same sex marriage. It asks all participants to think about how we could make our faith communities/churches a safer place for LGB people.

This resource provides a framework in which we can explore our Biblical and pastoral learning about inclusion, through safer and respectful dialogue with each other.

It encourages us to think about how we treat each other. It promotes respect, love, active listening and empathy.

It includes listening to the stories and experiences of church leaders, their thoughts and reflections on what’s worked well and what with hindsight they wish they’d known and done differently.

It also includes listening to the stories and experiences of members of the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual community. At times this will involve hearing about the impact and effect of exclusion, and at times mistreatment, whilst also learning from brilliant examples of where differences have been embraced in a more welcoming and diverse Body of Christ.

The methodology underpinning this resource is intentionally designed using a restorative framework to enable the voices of those who are rarely invited to speak to be really heard alongside other perspectives with which we might be more familiar. It encourages all of us to think about the impact and effect of the expressions of our views.

Bottom Line

Where people are in a minority, excluded, vulnerable or at risk, we have a shared moral and ethical responsibility to safeguard against doing more harm. Our churches should intend to be a safe place for everyone.


There are six components to the resource. Each will vary a little in length, but as we recommend that session 1 and 2 run together for which you should allow 2½ hours. You could decide to take each part separately (e.g. over the course of a few weeks as a house/small group as six stand-alone sessions), or you might decide to meet together for two longer (Part A and Part B) sessions.


Part A - Real Life

Session 1 – What is this about?

(Introduction, Ground Rules, and Purpose)


Session 2 – Listening deeply to stories

(Lizzie’s Story, other stories in video vignette, questions for exploration)


Session 3 – We all have a story

(What are you bringing in your community? Who do you know who is directly affected by this conversation?)


Part B - Real Love

Session 4 – The Bible Story

(Video of leaders discussing Biblical principles) and other resources you may wish to draw on.


Session 5 – Creating Safer Churches

(learning from other churches about creating safer church environments, drawing on positive and negative impact & affect)


Session 6 – Our church

(applying questions to enable your church community to seek your own way – where next?)


There’s a further Part C and Part D that you can return to in the future to enable you to review how they you got on with your intended aims for your local church community.